Zlata Veresniak

Director of documentary and feature films from Ukraine. Lives in Poland since 2015. Recent films focus on documenting the daily realities of war, displaced persons, and refugees from Ukraine.

Holds a master's degree in documentary directing from the DOC NOMADS program, studied journalism at the University of Wroclaw in Poland and film directing at the University of Thessaloniki in Greece. Completed the First Film program at the Władysław Ślesicki Film Foundation, and collaborated with the Jerzy Grotowski Institute on the documentary play Nowi.

The latest short documentary “Are You Here?” and the 2023 fiction short “Chernozem” have received recognition at the festivals in Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, and Spain.

Nominated twice for the WARTO Wroclaw Award in the film category: for directing of the fiction short “Ada” in 2023 and a winner for directing the fiction short “Chernozem” in 2024. Recipient of the President of Wrocław Scholarship Program in 2025. Currently develops her documentary debut feature “The Game of Women and War”.


German: basic
English: fluent
Polish: fluent
Ukrainian: native
Directors, Editors, Editorial assistants, Trailer editors, Subtitle editors, Producer-directors, TV journalists, Screenwriters, Script supervisors, Script consultants, Script translators
Accommodation options
Warsaw, Wroclaw, Łódź, Berlin, Brussels, Kyiv. Other locations possible upon request.

Experience & skills


1. Master of Arts, Film Directing
AUG 2022 - JUN 2024
DocNomads, Erasmus Mundus Scholar
- SEP 2023 - JUN 2024: Luca School of Arts (Brussels, Belgium)
- FEB 2023 - JUN 2023: University of Theatre and Film Arts (Budapest, Hungary)
- SEP 2022 - JAN 2023: Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (Lisbon, Portugal)

2. BA in Journalism and Social Communication
University of Wroclaw
OCT 2015 - JUN 2018

3. BA, Film Production
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, study mobility
OCT 2016 - FEB 2017

Experience abroad
Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine
Own equipment

Lumix S5


I made a mistake coming here (Cinema documentary)
Asst. editors Kseniya Halubovich Producer: Les Steppes Productions Casting director: n/a Written by: Kseniya Halubovich
The Game of Women and War (Cinema documentary)
Directresses Zlata Veresniak Producer: Morefilms, Ukrkino Distribution: n/a Casting director: Zlata Veresniak Written by: Zlata Veresniak
Cuba&Alaska (Cinema documentary)
Subtitle editors Yegor Troyanovsky Producer: Clin d’oeil films, 2Brave Productions Distribution: n/a Casting director: n/a Written by: Yegor Troyanovsky
Chernozem (Short film)
Directresses Zlata Veresniak Producer: AKRF Fosa Distribution: Zlata Veresniak Casting director: Zlata Veresniak Written by: Zlata Veresniak
Are you here? (Short documentary)
Directresses Zlata Veresniak Producer: DocNomads Distribution: Zlata Veresniak Casting director: Zlata Veresniak Written by: Zlata Veresniak

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