Weronika Witek

Agency, TV commercial prod. Artists-, guests-, VIPs-coordinators Asst. prod. managers Asst. set/floor manager Asst. to prod. Casting assistants Development prod. Executive prod. Extras casting First ADs First ADs (local system) Heads of development Post prod. coordinators Postproduction prod. Project managers Second ADs Third ADs

Private Contact

Film producer, director's assistant, and in my spare time, a television and theater actress. As a producer, I have created two short, independent films. As a production manager/1st AD, I gain experience on the sets of commercials, short films, competition films, and music videos. I am eager to learn new things and take on new challenges in international projects.


English: fluent
French: basic
Polish: native-language
Russian: native-language
Agency, TV commercial prod., Artists-, guests-, VIPs-coordinators, Asst. prod. managers, Asst. set/floor manager, Asst. to prod., Casting assistants, Development prod., Executive prod., Extras casting, First ADs, First ADs (local system), Heads of development, Post prod. coordinators, Postproduction prod., Project managers, Second ADs, Third ADs
Accommodation options
Kraków, Warsaw, Paris, Lódź

Experience & skills


Culture and Media Management at the Jagiellonian University and Film and Television Production Organization at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy.

Experience abroad
Car class, Sailing surfing licence


Incognito (Short film)
Project managers Paweł Sadowski Producer: Weronika Witek Written by: Paweł Sadowski

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