Kaja Sajdak

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A graduate of Film Directing at the Warsaw Film School. Director of short etudes and 1AD, assistant director and set designer in professional productions including feature films. She combines her passion for cinema with her love for painting and other visual arts. She is a certified fine artist, which she also actively uses in the film industry.

Her short film debut titled "Mine" (starring Ewa Szykulska) is presented at festivals in Poland and around the world. It has received 3 awards so far: a statuette for the Best Actress (Ewa Szykulska) during the 18th edition of the Grand OFF festival. Witold Kon - Best Independent Short Films in the World, an award in the Best Short Film category at the Wales International Film Festival and in the Best Student Film category at the Onyko Films Awards.


English: fluent
Polish: native
Asst. prod. designer, Directors, First ADs, Screenwriters, Second ADs
Preferred working area

Directing, screenwriting, assistant roles in director's, continuity and set design departments, editing

Experience & skills


Bachelor's degree in Film Directing at Warsaw Film School in Poland


Best Short Film Award for "Mine" at the Wales International Film Festival (Short film)
Best Student Film Award for "Mine" at the Onyko Films Awards (Short film)
Best Actress Award for Ewa Szykulska ("Mine") at the GRAND OFF - World Independent Short Film Awards (Short film)


Moja / Mine (Short film)
Directors Kaja Sajdak Producer: Warsaw Film School Written by: Kaja Sajdak, Anna Maksymenko
Ludzie / People (Feature film)
Asst. prod. designer Maciej Ślesicki, Filip Hillesland Producer: Warsaw Film School Distribution: Dystrybucja Mówi Serwis Casting director: Olga Lyubarova Written by: Maciej Ślesicki
Wagary / Green Light (Short film)
Asst. prod. designer Weronika Jamróz Producer: Warsaw Film School Written by: Weronika Jamróz
Wzajemnie (Short film)
First ADs Marta Wójcik Producer: Warsaw Film School Written by: Marta Wójcik
The Walls Have Eyes (Short film)
First ADs Ada Benerat Producer: Warsaw Film School Written by: Ada Benerat
Czarna chusta / Black shawl (Short film)
First ADs Kamila Boichenko Producer: Warsaw Film School Written by: Kamila Boichenko
Do raju / Eden (Short film)
Second ADs Marta Szymanek Producer: Warsaw Film School Casting director: Malwina Górecka, Marta Szymanek Written by: Marta Szymanek, Piotr Szymanek
Kontrola / Control (Special Episode) (Mini series)
Asst. prod. designer Natasza Parzymies Producer: Kayak Kino Production Written by: Natasza Parzymies

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