Kacper Anaczkowski

Private Contact

I study film production at the Film School in Katowice. My experience spans audiovisual projects and journalism. I’m continuously honing my skills in managing film projects, blending theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience from film sets.


English: intermediate
Polish: native
Asst. prod. managers, Executive prod., Prod. assistants, Prod. controllers, Prod. coordinators
Accommodation options


Skrzat (Pixie) (Feature film)
Prod. assistants Krzysztof Komander Producer: Green Rat Production
Martwi Przed Świtem (Feature film)
Loc. Managers Dawid Torrone Producer: Larmo
Uwaga Dobry Pies (Beware of Good Dog) (Short film)
Executive prod. Adelina Borets Producer: Szkoła Filmowa im. Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego
Glorious Summer (Feature film)
Prod. assistants Helena Ganjalyan, Bartosz Szpak Producer: Rozbrat Films

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