
English: fluent
Assistant-, Junior-Producers, Asst. Art Directors, Asst. camera (non fiction), Asst. costume designers, Asst. prod. accountants, Asst. prod. designer, Asst. prod. managers, Asst. set decorator, Asst. set/floor manager, Asst. to line prod., Asst. to prod., Asst. to prod., Asst. to stylist, Best boys*girls, Costume accountants, Costume coordinators, Costume designers, Costume dyeing, Costume interpreters, Costume makers, Costume patinators, Costume research, Costume supervisors, Crowd hair and make up supervisors, Dressers, Hair/makeup designers, Hair/makeup supervisors, Makeup Artist, Set builder, Set Decoration Buyers, Set Decorators, Set Dressers

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